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Kenapa tak boleh main HUJAN ? RAIN ?
Thursday, March 15, 2012 | 9:27 AM | 4 Juliets and Romeos?

Assalamualaikum ,
post ni adalah sebab aku wonder , kenapa ibu-ibu , mak-mak , ummi-ummi
tak bagi si anak-anak main hujan
hujan ? kenapa ? kenapa ? kenapa ?
 the main reason yang aku rasa sebab mak dah tak boleh main hujan
yerlah kan , sudah gede , besar remaja , takkan nak main hujan
pelik tak kalau mak korang keluar rumah , pastu main hujan riang ria raya
aku sure mokcik mokcik jiran-jiran semua mesti akan keluar bijik mata tengok
kan kan kan
haha , actually main hujan sekali sekala apa salahnya ,
what doesn't kill u make u stronger ? haha
no point at all
sebabnye cakap pasal hujan : sebab mak saya pun kadang-kadang marah kalau main hujan
nanti demam
till then

Rain Rain..you let go of all pain
you bring me the coolness
from the tiring day and its heat
a gift that makes me joyous and upbeat

I want to get drenched
and let you soak me wet
there is no better feeling
from the cool breeze that you get

You bring back those memories
of childhood the innocent one
making boats and splashing water
AAh ! there was nothing better to be done 

Here I sit with a wish
That you pour all through the night
The breeze and the rains
playing the lullaby I so desire !
*terjumpa poem ni , macam nice kan
 *salah gambar , ni rain lain*
ninja assasin:D 

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